Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Reflection

    This course has been a real pleasure and I enjoyed and actually looked forward to the assignments. It has been exactly what I have hoped to find in this program and I hope the future courses are similar to it. Throughout this course I have learned many new ideas and have even changed some of my own perspectives. I have learned how to use tools, such as wikis, blogs, and podcasts, effectively in the classroom and how to create each of these as well. Thus far, I have found this to be the more beneficial course yet!

In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher?
    This course has helped me develop my own technology skills by requiring me to venture out and try new avenues of technology. I love using my computer on a daily basis and am quite familiar with the Internet and what it has to offer, but this course has presented different challenges for me. I have listened to podcasts but never created my own, and it was actual a very simple process. I can definitely imagine myself using podcasts in the future both in the classroom and maybe even personally. Blogging and creating my own wiki have also been great accomplishments that have proven to be quite simple as well. I have learned several effective ways of using both these tools in the classroom, which I will definitely consider when I am in my own classroom. I now have even more resources to turn to and I know that they are quite easy to use, which is sometimes the reason for not trying new strategies.

In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process?
    Just in this last discussion, I have come to the realization that learning is no longer one-sided. Teachers learn so much from students as well, we just have to have open minds. Technology is changing classrooms to more interactive and engaging ways of learning. Students now have the opportunity to be active learners and have more control of their learning. One of the main reasons why I am even in this master’s program is because I want to expand my knowledge and learn more about the educational field. It is commonly known and said that it is important to be life-long learners, and I find that especially true in our field of education. There is constantly new studies and research to consider, plus more importantly, our students are ever-changing. Our students are not the same and do not learn as we did when we went to school. This course has really driven this idea home in that technology changes the role of the teacher and the environment of the classroom. My knowledge has deepened in that I am now more aware that the teaching and learning process is not the same as it once was and will only continue to change.

In what ways have you changed your perspective from being teacher-centered to learner-centered?
    The presence of technology in the classroom has really changed the role of the teacher. It used to be that the teacher was the only one with the knowledge and his or her only job was to pass this information on to the students. The teacher’s words were absolute and there was no use in arguing with it because he or she was the teacher and that was that. This idea has completely changed and is now looked upon as old fashion even. Nowadays, students can teach teachers as well, especially when it comes to technology.
     Students are not empty  “containers” or “banks” that need to be filled. I think now they are individuals that still need to learn from the teacher, but also need to be guided through their own learning by the teacher. Many students have the Internet at their fingertips through phones, iPod, iPads, and laptops and they need to be guided and taught the skills to use these tools effectively. Each student has his or her own way of learning and I believe that differentiated teaching is more realistic with the help of technology.

In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement?
     I think the best way to continue the expansion of my knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology is through taking note of the different schools I get to substitute in. In this point of my life, I have the opportunity to work in or visit different schools, which is great to see what schools are doing. Unfortunately, many schools within a district often have the same ideas with minor changes, but I have still learned so much. Also, discussing with other teachers through blogs will also be a great way of expanding my knowledge. Though, what may work in one state or city may not be as effective in another, but the more ideas and knowledge I have, the better chance I have of creating an effective curriculum in technology that increases student achievement. I think just having the awareness of technology in the classroom is a really big step towards being more successful in the classroom. I am a fortunate one because I am taking courses specific to technology in the classroom, which makes me more aware than others. I am learning how technology can help student achievement, which I believe is the first step in expanding my knowledge in this area.

    My first goal is to get a full time teaching job, but once I achieve this my first goal will be to incorporate technology into more assignments. Depending on where I get a job may determine how much technology I can actually use because it would not be fair if not all students have access to computers and such tools. If my students do not have much access to computers, than I would achieve this goal by allowing as many opportunities possible for students to use the computers throughout the day by opening up my classroom before, during, and after school. My second goal would be to use the computer time effectively. It seems that many elementary schools operate similarly in that each class gets about an hour of computer lab time a week so I would be sure to have meaningful activities during this time. Instead of allowing students have free time, I would create lessons, such as create document in the word processing program or some sort of typing game. These are smaller, hypothetical goals I currently have in mind. I suppose since I am not in my own classroom yet, I should have an easier time accomplishing these goals since there is not anything to change in the first place.

    This class has been the best course thus far. It has been the first class where I have been challenged to actually use technology. I really enjoyed that we had some sort of “technological” task each week, and our application was a URL rather than the traditional essay. This class has really reminded me as to why I have decided to earn my master’s degree in this area. I really enjoy using technology myself and I want to share that passion with my future students by teaching them how to use these tools to be successful academically, personally, and eventually professionally.

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