Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Developing My GAME Plan

In the National Education Standards for Teacher (NETS-T), I am comfortable with the following standard:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. 
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations  
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success (NETS-T 3a & 3b).

I use technology throughout the school day and share with students how to use the Internet to find quick results. I also collaborate with colleagues, administrators, and parents through email on a daily basis. My students are in third grade and most do not have their own email addresses just yet, so I cannot communicate with them via the Internet. I heavily rely on technology whether it is a PowerPoint presentation, some kind of picture or songs to help practice their multiplication facts, I always have my laptop in the classroom.

The standards I am not as confident in are the following: 

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. 
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. (NETS-T 1b & 1c). 

I feel that I do not create enough opportunities for students to use their creative brains nor do we really use collaborative (technological) tools, such as Wikis or Google Docs. We do a lot of collaboration in the classroom, but it is mostly verbal or pair/group work. 

My goal is to incorporate some sort of technological resource in my classroom, such as VoiceThread, a class wiki, or podcasts. This goal will ensure that students are engaged in "exploring real-world issues" through the use of pictures, music, text or their own voices. My GAME plan to strengthen my confidence in this area is to start off by experimenting with these different collaboration tools. I will start with VoiceThread and see how this progresses with my class. My students do not have much experience with computers aside from using programs, such as Accelerated Reader, Reading Eggs, and Starfall, so it will be quite an experience for all of us. I also like the idea of using online graphic organizers through Webspiration or in collaborating settings where students work with others in our own classroom. 

I think the best way to monitor my progress is to see how often we use these tools in the classroom. If I am using these tools at least once a week, I would say I am slowly progressing. As time progresses, I will increase the number of times we use VoiceThread to where it is a daily tool. 

I will evaluate my learning based upon the progress of my students. If they are finding success with the new tool, I will see that as proof that I am also learning and succeeding with my GAME plan. Eventually, I would love for students to create their own VoiceThread slide independently. I know we will need to start slow where I am creating and showing my own to modeling how to create a VoiceThread to guiding students in how to create one on their own. 

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. First let me begin by saying I think you are doing a lot with your students and facilitating learning with the utilization of technology in your classroom.

    For the areas you described as your weak areas I have a few suggestions as to how you can improve on those. You can have students create a voice thread about things that they did for the day, this will be a sort of closure for your lesson, where you can have students’ in groups of two if you wish highlight events throughout the day that they enjoyed and learnt from. For example you can let them talk about what they learned in Science together and they can also be required to say how they will use it in their everyday life in one way. By doing this you will be forcing students to not only think but create something and apply their learning to their everyday life. You could also have you students create concept maps. Where they can upload pictures to make their maps more exciting to them since they are only in grade three. .

  2. Third grade is a great age to start increasing the exposure to technology and there are so many activities to do with your students. Do you have computers right in your classroom? How many students per computer?

    It sounds like you have many great ambitions and goals? How are you going to plan your ideas out as to not be overwhelmed? What is your first step?


  3. Hi Syuen,

    Thank you for your feedback! You present a great idea of how I can make the content more meaningful to their lives while still using technology. I will definitely take this idea into consideration when I begin to implement my GAME Plan in my classroom.

    Hi Cheri,

    Thank you for your comment! Third grade definitely is a great age to increase their exposure to technology. I really love this age! They are young and eager to learn and are still able to be independent. We have four computers in our classroom and 22 students. In our Centers time, the computers is usually one of the areas they work in. As of lately, we use that time for reading and taking Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes, but I will be altering this center to fit in with my GAME Plan. We also go to the computer lab once a week for about 30-40 minutes so each student has their own computer at this time.

    My first step is to create several VoiceThreads for lessons so students become familiar with what they are and how they work. Then I will have lessons about how to create a VoiceThread, which will take place in small doses. I am realizing that this will be a slower process than I would like because we just do not have enough computers, and our computer lab day is Friday so I won't be able to work as a whole group until then.

    I think this week I will show the VoiceThreads and familiarize them with it, so come Friday we can register and begin creating them so they can work on them next week during centers time.

    Thank you for your questions, they have really helped me in this planning process!

    Thank you both,

  4. Yes, I agree that you are doing a lot in the area of technology for your students. And yes, third grade is an excellent grade to start. I student taught 11 years ago in third grade and technology was not even a thought. Now, technology is in the forefront of everything. Do your students have to go to required websites during their computer time? Do you have access to a projector and laptop in your classroom? That way you can make a VoiceThread with them and when you get to the lab you can make the most of your computer time. You are headed in the right direction!

  5. Email is a great way to communicate with parents and students. In my district we have the option to use an email blast. This is linked to our grading sytem and we can send a blast to all parents at once. This could be used to inform students about upcoming projects that are due or just general communication about the class.

    I also like the fact of using real life application in class. I hear many students talk about when will I ever use this but using real life applications will enhance the learning of the students.

