Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Modifying my GAME Plan

Are you finding the information and resources you need?
I am finding the information and resources I need. I have a few computers in my classroom that students can use during our centers time to work on their PowerPoint presentations when the time comes. Our school computer lab also has a brand new Mac desktop computer for each student to use, which will be useful for my whole group instruction. The technology teacher is also in the lab at the same time we are so she will be able to help us out when needed.

Do you need to modify your action plan?
As I have mentioned in my previous post, I have decided to modify my GAME Plan by changing the idea of using VoiceThread to PowerPoint. The reason for this change is that I think PowerPoint will be of more use for them in the future than VoiceThread will be. Many of my students do not even have Internet at home so they would not be able to use VoiceThread outside of the classroom, which lessens its importance and accessibility even more.

What have you learned so far?
So far, I have learned that I will need to make modifications for some students by adjusting the amount of slides I require. For example, for my higher achieving students, I will definitely make the assignment more challenging by requiring more slides with more bullet points or details. For my lower achieving students, I will require them to have the same bits of information on each slide, but require fewer slides from them.

What new questions have arisen?
As of this moment, I do not have any new questions but I am sure once we return from our holiday and begin to use PowerPoint more questions will arise.


  1. Hi!
    It sounds as if you and I are going through the same dilemma with Voice Thread. I want my students to become familiar with it but I don't think it will be of much use to them if they do not have the Internet. I am opting for iMovie for them. I did not consider Powerpoint, though. That is a good idea. If your students have access to Macs then they could use i Movie and Garage Band, as well. Then, they would be able to burn a finished product onto DVD in case they do not have a computer at home. Good luck!

  2. Hi Heather,

    Technology can be so frustrating. I find that I have to purchase all of my own technology because my school is still so far behind in technology.

    Voice Thread is so neat, but I haven't tried it yet with my students either. I hope you give it another chance. Do you know if each student has to set up an account.


  3. Heather,

    The only thing I am concerned with is: How will you adjust the number of slides for students without it becoming "unfair". I have had a lot of troubles with this in the past. I tell a student they are responsible for more because they can do more and the outcome has always been abysmal: the high achievers feel punished and the low feel stupid.

    Do you have any good tips for how to avoid this?

    Thank you much. Happy Saturday!
